Portable Laptop Traveler Stable Diffusion

Setting Up Portable Ide

TL;DR This blogpost deep dive around setting up a Unix based workstation and how craft a portable and ergonomic but efficient IDE. We will cover Crafting your terminal multiplexer tmux to mix and split windows as fast as a 10 handed guy 💻 Move around code and software repos in a glimpse with nvim, using completions as smart as VSCode ones ⌨️ Linking the previous tool and deploy codespaces on your own workstation, and add your favorites plugins ⚙️ Feel free to add your own customizations or hacks in comments. 😃 ...

May 21, 2023 · 9 min · Émilien Foissotte
Egg Chicken Internet Stable Diffusion

Start blogging

TL;DR This article goes throught all the details in order to explain how setup a blogfolio like this one From article posting using simple Markdown syntax 🔤 To deployment on Github Pages 🚀, with Giscus comments on each articles 🗣️ To monitoring of engagement using Goatcounter 📶 Keep reading for more ! Introduction I’m currently starting this blogfolio to expose my work on the internet and to kick off some content on this blog about fun details I’v come accross exploring topics. It is basically a web hosted memo, but I hope it could help others tech-hobbyist exploring stuff too ! ...

March 18, 2023 · 5 min · Émilien Foissotte